Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good & Plenty

*In my finest Kimberly Jones voice* I've been gone for a minute but I'm back with the POST OFF!

What's upper CS!?!? Well I'm still busy as a flippin bee, but I had to come thru and get my post on cause I miss it so! I won't be back as frequently as I was before because I'm studying to get that next rank!!! I gots to be on the list next year (aka needs that mon-nay!)

Anywho, I've been up since 0530 on a SATURDAY. Not happy, but since I have a mild case of insomnia, you get to get some of it!

I've been in a BIGGIE SMALLS state of mind all week, so I had to put up some of my songs that have been in my head so I can get em unstuck!! *sigh* Now let's not get into the whole Tupac/Biggie debacle today, cause honestly, I like both of em. So, enjoy the Notorious and don't forget to share you're favorite cuts too!

"It was all a dream..."

Let's Ride!

Damn, why they wanna stick me for my pay-puh??

Ha, ha, ha, ha!

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