
Welcome to the world of ComplexSimplicity.

We know you're asking, "How do we differ from your normal, run-of-the-mill sites?"

Here's the answer: With a fresh, unaltered point of view, this is the open book of good friends; incorporating our simple lives, that seem so complex at times to others. Even though we lead our own simple lifestyles, we always manage to stand out amongst others as being complex individuals. We have chosen to exceed the expectations of others upon us. Our approach is to share relatable experiences to you, our followers.
Because life is such: living in every moment!

We offer you a glimpse into our musings through various concepts in our lives. Sharing with you how we have, and are, overcoming the obstacles and lessons we learn on our journeys.

"The Art of Simplicity is a Puzzle of Complexity."

And that, is the perfect description of our lives. Welcome and take pleasure in it!