Sunday, May 15, 2011


Congratulations to my baby sister,
Chalis, on her graduation from

It's been awhile since I've done a post, but I couldn't pass on the opportunity to publicly congratulate my sister, Chalis on her graduation!  Since, I was unable to attend the graduation, I had to keep up with the events via Facebook and Yahoo messages! 
(Boooo to the Air Force today!!  lol)

For the past 4 years, my older sister, Chandra, and I have been there for the many late night conference calls (along with a  few "early" morning calls... inside joke), the random student surveys emailed to us, and an array of her college stories! 

(Picture of Chalis before she makes her way across the stage!)

I admire Chalis, and respect her even more!  This is just one of her great accomplishments, with more to come!  I am very proud of her! 

Congratulations go out to anybody out there that have completed their college journey, also!



  1. Yay to Chalis and Yay to you back on the blog! Keep the posts coming!

  2. This is SWEET!!! CONGRATS CHALIS!!!!

  3. Extra late, but YAY CHALIS!!!!! Wonderful accomplishment and am so proud of you!
